Music, Songwriting
& Interdiscplinary Arts
Emma has worked as a Teaching Artist in New York City public schools, the shelter system and community spaces for over a decade with organizations like Brooklyn Arts Council, Lincoln Center Education, City Lore, The Leadership Project and LEAP. Working with young students, she loves leading song and movement-based immersive classes and is a certified Music Together teacher. With older students, Emma loves teaching Songwriting, and especially enjoys teaching young women and gender-expansive youth through organizations like Willie Mae Rock Camp for Girls and Sadie Nash Leadership Project. Emma was a 2017 Lincoln Center Boro-Linc Artist-in-Residence at Snug Harbor Cultural Center where she held interdisciplinary, intergenerational arts workshops and performances.
Reproductive & Sexual Health
Emma is a certified Gynecological Teaching Associate who teaches comprehensive, patient-centered gynecological exams at medical schools throughout the New York area. She also teaches workshops on self-exam and patient self-advocacy at colleges, conferences and elsewhere. In addition, Emma works on the music and editing for the Birth Justice Podcast NYC.
Social Justice &
Diasporic Jewish Culture
Emma organizes with community to create vibrant, diasporic Jewish culture as a antidote to internalized antisemitism and ancestral assimilation, and as part of the holy work of fighting white supremacy. She leads songs and chants in meetings and in the streets with Jews for Racial and Economic Justice (JFREJ,) is a performer and music director with the Aftselakhis Spectacle Committee’s annual Purim Shpil, was a facilitator with JFREJ’s Youth Brigade, and worked as a secular Jewish educator at the Midtown Worker’s Circle School. Emma facilitates racial justice and anti-opression workshops throughout the New York area, and is part of the JFREJ team that leads trainings on antisemitism for Jewish and non-Jewish movement partner organizations.